New Bingley Hall, Hockley Circus,
Birmingham, B18 5PP
Saturday 10th February | 1PM
Patience and gratitude are important spiritual states. If incorporated into our daily life, they can elevate us and improve our life. The quality of the sincerely patient differentiates those who truly love Allah Ta’ala with those who make claims of love.
In the Holy Qur’an Allah Ta’ala speaks of Sayyiduna Ayyub (AS): “……truly We found him full of patience and constancy. How excellent in Our service. Ever did he turn (to Us.)” (Surah as-saad 38:44)
We must be patient and grateful of Allah Ta’ala’s favours upon us and if we thank Him, know that He “will surely increase” us. (Surah Al- Ibrahim 14:7)
We are faced with many hardships and difficulties in our life, but how do we keep patient and show gratitude to our Lord? How do we continue to keep trying when we see no hope?
Come along and learn practical ways to cope with difficulties and hardships and thus preserve your iman.
Saturday 10th February | 1PM